Friday, March 11, 2016

Those who can't, DON'T

A pet peeve of mine is when I hear a person say, "Those who can, do and those who can't teach." That has to be one of the most false statements that I have ever heard. Educators are the people who raise the next generation of adults. Which means I really hope that people don't think educators are people who can't do anything. Teachers have to be kind, understanding, and have a whole lot of patience to deal with the day-to-day events that go on in the classroom. So really it's those who can and are willing to take the time, teach! 
Teachers do a lot more than just teach these students, we make sure that they are safe at all times, weather they are at home or at the school. We make sure they have the school supplies if they need, even if that means paying for them from our pocket. A teacher in Oklahoma, Huffington Post reported, said she spends from $4,000-$6,000 a year on supplies just to make sure that the students have the supplies they want. Teachers over the years have spent more of their money on supplies, toiletries, and other miscellaneous items just to make sure that the child is well taken care of. Teachers aren't paid much, but we make sure the child's needs are taken care of. We don't do it for the income we do it for the outcome.

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Saturday, March 5, 2016

It's NOT Always the Teachers Fault

The education system today has changed so much since even the 90s to the 2000s. The education system has gone from a traditional learning environment to a technology based environment. Matthew Lynch says that although there are obvious advantages to having technology in the classroom, their is a disadvantage that not every student would be on the same technological level. Some students could have a lot more access to technology outside of the classroom and would be much more advanced than others who don't.
One of the number one reasons, according to an Education Week article, is that the classrooms today are failing because their is a lack of parent involvement. With as many students that are in a classroom, the amount of time a teacher is able to spend with each student isn't enough. Parents are not involved in their child's academic life until they begin to fail. Then from that point it is the teachers fault that the child is failing. If parents take more responsibility in their child's academic well-being then perhaps their child would excel in the classroom more. Parents should make sure they spend at least an hour reading with their child, or just talking to them about the things they learned that day. Just because a student learn in a diferent way, does not make them dumb! It means the teacher needs to teach them in a different way.

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